An online interactive workbook that works as a follow-on from the the OPUS Safe Handling of Medicines Foundation Course.
Forms & Paperwork Pack for Day Schools
A comprehensive selection of forms and templates to enable you to evidence effective medicines handling to the Regulator.
About This Course
Our Forms & Paperwork Pack for Day Schools contains the following resources and forms to help your school evidence its compliance to the regulator:
- Agreement to Abide by Medicines Policy
- Staff Signatures List
- Individual Healthcare Plan
- Parental Consent to Administer Medicines Form
- Record of Medicine Administered to a Pupil at School
- PRN Medicines Protocol
- Medicines Received into School or Returned to Parents
- Medication In-Out Log
- Fridge Temperature Record Chart
- Competency Assessment for Medicines Handling in Schools
- Competency Assessment for Emergency Salbutamol
- Consent Form for Emergency Salbutamol
- Pupil-Centred Medicines Audit for Schools
- Self-Administration Risk Assessment Form
- Medicines Error and Near Miss Report Form
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Course Information
Remember to check out our free downloadable resources.