The accredited course you need to update staff on side effects of medicines and interactions.
Anaphylaxis and the Use of Adrenaline Auto-Injectors Online Interactive Distance Learning Workbook
The accredited online interactive distance learning workbook for anyone who is required to administer an adrenaline auto-injector (EpiPen®, Jext® or Emerade®) to an adult or child experiencing an anaphylactic reaction.
About This Course
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Course Information
What are the learning outcomes?
To be able to identify
- What anaphylaxis is and what causes it
- What the symptoms of anaphylaxis are
- What the emergency treatment for anaphylaxis is
To be able to use
- Different types of adrenaline autoinjectors (EpiPen®, Jext® and Emerade®)
- The correct procedures, protocols and risk assessments in a care / school setting
This interactive, self-study distance learning workbook incorporates activities, case studies, a self-assessment checklist including links to videos and a multiple choice knowledge assessment. Details are provided to access trainer pens.
A certificate is awarded on successful completion of the assessment.
Workbook Content
- What is anaphylaxis?
- What causes anaphylaxis?
- Major food allergens
- How common is anaphylaxis?
- Symptoms of anaphylaxis
- What you should do if someone is having an anaphylactic reaction
- Procedures, protocols and risk assessments
- How to use different types of adrenaline auto-injector pens
- Supporting young people at risk of anaphylaxis
- Anaphylaxis and the use of adrenaline auto-injectors in schools
- Individual HealthCare Plans
- Current issues impacting availability of adrenaline auto-injectors
- General tips
Access our free adrenaline auto-injector competency assessments to assess your staff in the workplace following training –
This course is:
- Accredited by CPD
- Developed by qualified Pharmacist trainers
- Compliant with CQC/ Ofsted requirements
- Evidenced by a certificate of successful completion