The accredited course you need to understand stroke and arthritis and the medicines used to treat these conditions.
Assessors Refresher & Managers Update: An Advanced Distance Learning Workbook & Resource Pack for Adult Services
Has your Advanced Distance Learning Certificate expired or nearing expiry? Or are you a Manager who wants to keep updated on new guidance, useful facts and further information related to medicines? This refresher workbook will help you remain compliant and up to date.
About This Course
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Course Information
Our Assessors Refresher and Managers Update Distance Learning Workbook has been designed to help you:
– Identify areas for improvement in competency assessment
– Improve the skills and techniques needed to assess competence and manage incidents
– Identify areas of concern with medicines and put measures in place to mitigate the risks
– Provide practical solutions to aid incident management of medicines
– Demonstrate competence and confidence in the areas of competency assessment and management of errors
This interactive, self-study distance learning workbook incorporates exercises, case studies and activities designed to provide practical guidance and support in solving and dealing with medication issues in the workplace.
The workbook also includes:
– Key updates and guidance regarding Controlled Drugs
– Risks Assessments for:
• Anticoagulants
• Thickeners
• Emollients
– Advice about Anticipatory Prescribing
A great resource for Nurses to use as part of their revalidation.
Course Content:
- Assessors Refresher including:
- Principles of Coaching – Why is it important?
- Using a Competency Assessment Tool
- Effective Incident Management
- Promoting Transparency
- Risks Assessments
- Controlled Drugs
- Anticipatory Prescribing
- Medicines not Routinely Prescribed
- Medicines Reconciliation
- Implementing CQC Guidance
- Useful Resources
- Action Planning
Following completion of the workbook, learners will receive a certificate.
This course is:
- Accredited by CPD
- Developed by qualified Pharmacist trainers
- Compliant with CQC requirements
- Evidenced by a certificate of successful completion
Distance Learning Workbook and Resource Pack*:
- £60 per workbook
- £55 per workbook for orders of 10 or more